Yes, it is very disgusting. And ya know what, it looks like these other folks will likely be coming to the same conclusions that I and others (linked and posted on this board's header/iBox) have already come to. It all seems to make perfectly disgusting fraudulent sense, when it is all added up with the US bankruptcy in 1933 created by the Fed. and everything the Fed. has done to this country prior to that and since.
Nice work Telephonics!
Hopefully, we'll see more folks making the Fed. connection in the future. IMO, when that happens/occurs...we'll finally be starting to get focussing on the real and true source of all these incredibly corrupt, heinous and destructive actions and scams.
These are my strong opinions. Hopefully, others will agree. It does take a good deal of time and work/effort to reach these conclusions IMO. In fact, that's exactly what the corrupt folks are counting on: They think because the connections/truth is not talked about at the highest levels (and these issues do require thought and a good deal of reading to assimilate)...the public will therefore assume it's non-issue or that it's not the truth. Well, unfortunately...nothing is farther from the truth. It's exactly the folks with the most power over our currency, markets, media and government that are truly to blame for essentially all the problems we discuss here.
More later. Keep up the good fight and good works people. It's much appreciated by me.