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03/17/14 9:00 AM

#261993 RE: stocker11 #261990

Bullshit rumors intended to mislead investors are considered to be "DD" only for pinky scams like JBII.

the big guy

03/17/14 6:29 PM

#262053 RE: stocker11 #261990

Well, I tried. What you are saying still amounts to a load of crap. I read the narrative from the Con call on Dec 10 and some of the last financial statements. Even went to page 29. Still no proof of geting anywhere near 8 or 9 Million for these machines.

There was some nice stuff about modularization, and the fact that a full set of engineering drawings exist. That is good.

But, bottom line is all one has is their own intuition and knowledge to make an investing decision. Above and beyond all of the mostly useless information that comes one's way by the media and even in financial statements. 99% of the information that the average investor receives is paid for by the company providing the information.

Common sense should tell you that no one is going to pay that kind of money (8 or 9 Million) for a machine that makes a measly 15k on 300k of revenues. That is pathetic. There is no business model or analysis that will support that. That is like a 30-year mortgage.

ANd I can find no statements about the status of machines 4 and 5. iven their financial situation, tye have no money to build them. How can they be 75% complete? If you are saying that ordering parts makes them 75% complete, you are sadly mistaken. It actually puts them further in the hole.

Why don't you show me where this comes from an put it to rest for everyone? You are only kidding yourself, truly. It will get you nowhere.