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03/15/14 10:35 PM

#100300 RE: Neuronal #100296

Without an actual audit you have no proof he contributed $1.7 million bucks.
Of course I don't expect him to work for free. but I am not sure filing to sell over $3 MILLION bucks worth of shares BEFORE they even got their license was exactly ethical.

Suppose he doesn't get the license. Suppose he knows he won't get it. would you feel the EXACT same way about his cashing out that many shares?? I somehow doubt it.


03/15/14 10:38 PM

#100301 RE: Neuronal #100296

he also stated at one time someone would have to pry his shares from him because he felt they are way undervalued. has that changed? i am a follower here too. as you are. give sam his due that the game is changing here.