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im a survivor

05/10/01 9:59 AM

#714 RE: Josef Svejk #713

I've known Gary for quite some time....and yes, I will admitt...he's like the new york yankee's....dallas either love em or hate in betweens. And yes, he does come accross as arrogant at times, but I think most self confident people tend to be arrogant at, certainly included.

Anyway....I know alot of folks that love the guy and alot that hate the guy......I look at Gary alot like I look at Voltaire. I like and respect very much, but have no problem speaking up if I think they are wrong, or I question their actions. Like I said....I have known Gary awhile...and yes, I have had many a disagreements with him on certain issues, with certain penny stocks....but at the same time, I respect him, he respects me, and when that happens two people can maturely disagree and still be friends. I remember the DMEC situation.....I was one of the first to start questioning many, many, many things. Naturally everybody jumped all over me. Gary was on the other side of the fence, but he didnt jump on me like the others.....we discussed things maturely.....anyway, as it turns out, I was 100% correct on all my assesements on dmec. And I wasnt bashing the stock...I was listing actual issues that were questionable and needed answers.....valid questions, not bashing. Gary saw that and realized that and treated me with respect because he knew I was not a basher...I was an investor with valid questions and concerns, looking for answers. So anyway, Gary and I have been on the same side of the fence many times, and the opposite side of the fence many times, and what I have learned from him, is if you act respectful, he will return the favor....if not, he will not. At least that has been my experiences with the guy......


im a survivor

05/10/01 10:09 AM

#716 RE: Josef Svejk #713

I hadn't read the rest of your post when I previously responded...

<<By the way, did you provide jenna with all that info to help her in her "plight" against the hordes?

Nice to see, again, the kind of company you like to keep.>>

First, I never even heard of jenna until a week or so ago, so I certainly don;t keep company with her. Additionally, if you had read my posts, you will see where I responded I was shocked at how jenna was responding, and acting, and I withdrew any offer of help.

As for Gary....again, if you read....I believe it mentions I havent spoken to him in quite awhile, so again, I certainly am not keeping company with far you have accused me of keeping company with both gary and jenna, one of whom I just met a week ago and know nothing about....the other I knew years ago and havent spoken to in probably a year, year and a half......yep, your good on the facts.

Additionally, if you would read more of my post, I clearly stated that I have been on opposite sides of the fence with Gary several times, yet we kept the respect for each other, because we didnt fight like 3 year olds...we discussed important issues like mature adults.

You really should read and get your facts straight before opening your mouth........your statement about "the company I keep" is just ridiculous.......I am judged by you by "keeping company" with someone I dont know, just met, and publicly derided for her actions and withdrew my offer of help, and another person I have not seen or spoken to for 12 - 18 months, and one that I publicly stated I have been on the opposte side of the fence with several times......

Yep, you sure know what your talking about LOL

im a survivor

05/10/01 10:14 AM

#718 RE: Josef Svejk #713

And by the is public knowledge I do not agree with the deleting of posts unless they are gerragatory, profane and etc......I have repeatedly told Bob and matt a better idea would be to have a thread devoted to posts that a chairperson doesnt want on his or her thread. Instead of deleting and getting everybody all in a tizzy, the post could be removed and sent to another thread where people can discuss the post, it's contents and whether it should have been deleted. It also protects one's rights for free speech, and i think if IHUB allows biases and predjudices to take place by having posts deleted for the wrong reasons, they could be in a heap of hot I totally agree with you on that issue, and it is a know fact that has been my stance since day one....nom posts should be deleted, they should be moved to another thread for discussion, and stricter rules need to be placed on ihub to ensure the discussion remains mature. If not, ban the people that cant discuss things in a mature manner.

Da !

05/10/01 11:46 AM

#729 RE: Josef Svejk #713

If it looks like Ego, smells like Ego, tastes like Ego, well then dadgum it, it's Ego...

Svejk, Svejk, get over it. Let it go. You're so wound up, you're snapping at people who'll even talk to Gary. Now, if that's not a manifestation of Ego, I don't know what is.