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03/13/14 9:58 PM

#84533 RE: NewMoney #84530

How many people who say ROFL are actually really doing that?

Besides the eventual fate of NNVC and a lot of other questions I have in life, I need to add that one to the list!


03/14/14 9:44 AM

#84551 RE: NewMoney #84530

Except that the big 'downturn' in that pattern was side effect of an organized, slanderous, propaganda campain by admitted shorters of this stock,...

With no actual basis in reality for the present, or future of NNVC as a company, or on the status of the drugs in the pipeline in moving forward, or on the financials of the compamy,...

Or pretty much anything relevant to where we are going in the future.

So Charts - while they are predictors of some short-term changes in a stock's status - and are on occasion decent predictors of long-term trends,....

They are easily disrupted by changes in status and new 'news'.

So,.... expect big changes in the pattern you see when TOX studies are announced and when they are completed. Much like the negative reaction when the SA article and 'Bear' raids started, expect to see a positive swing NOT predicted by current chart trajectory.