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03/13/14 4:58 PM

#190661 RE: 955 #190657



03/13/14 5:13 PM

#190667 RE: 955 #190657

Agreed that's not an unrealistic risk, as crazy as it might seem and as much faith in the law as one might have. Reason being- the gvt is a ruthless and lawless monopoly. It (and most gvts) has behaved like that throughout history when it has wanted. Let's hope it doesn't go that far in this case.


03/13/14 7:34 PM

#190706 RE: 955 #190657

Why would a judge order discovery documents sealed? from who, the public? I can't imagine the plaintiffs. Under judicial decree, could plaintiffs be forbidden from viewing them? As damning as they may be, that's the chance 'lawbreakers' take if they choose to break the law. How can you have fair justice if documents are sealed?
If that does occur, I guess that would put defendants at an advantage. Would that necessarily be a defeat for shareholders? In this case, does the freedom of information act (FOIA) come into play?


03/13/14 7:36 PM

#190707 RE: 955 #190657

I think that happened in the WAMU case


03/13/14 7:39 PM

#190708 RE: 955 #190657

An envelope is sealed. Documents must be exchanged amongst both parties. The Gov only has about 45 pages of defense combined with 569 pages of fluff.

The Plaintiffs have thousand upon thousands of pages of FACTS.

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