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03/13/14 1:57 PM

#32450 RE: mike_usa #32448

where do you come up with 500 million ???...your numbers are wrong.


03/13/14 2:02 PM

#32455 RE: mike_usa #32448

I dont give a ratts behind about the last 2-3 Qs..I care about what the future is....
Let me run it by you again...,

TRTC 55 acres in Infrastructure, at 2 million in revenue per acre in revenue thats 110 million in Revenue ...with about 18 million in NET Earnings , i base that number because TRTC margins on E. G is at 18 % . If you put a fair PE of 60 on Earnings you have 8.00 friggin dollars ....

this will happen later this year when infrastructure is up to full capacity..

Now , if they decide to grow MJ X that revenue number 7 XXXXX more.

Do you understand how big this stock will be...!!!!