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03/13/14 10:00 AM

#155712 RE: Fornick8 #155710

Sorry but anyone with shares in BCIT would have no reason to go against Mr. Megas or his Company.This man is breaking down walls only CEO's could even dream about.



03/13/14 11:07 AM

#155715 RE: Fornick8 #155710

I disagree.

This is more about the brokers are showing absolute contempt towards any legal process and their stalling tactics are finally catching up with them and blowing up in their face. No dead end here.

How would I know this?

Plausible deny ability is now gone.


03/13/14 5:02 PM

#155761 RE: Fornick8 #155710

Where did you come up with THAT?? Scottrade will be BEGGING for MERCY when this is all over. They OWE me a heck of a lot of money for disrupting my LIFE for the past 8 years.

Imagine, you bought BCIT with money that could have been well spent somewhere else to the betterment of your LIFE. Maybe used for your daughters weeding. Or maybe as a down payment on a house?? Or god knows, any number of other things the money could have been spent on.

And now also imagine, had this company (BCIT) been allowed to trade for the past 8 years in whatever business it chose to pursue (real estate was my hope originally) WHAT would the value of that investment be today, 8 years later?? I look at this just like a falsely imprisoned prisoner who has just been exonerated by DNA. The DNA is the proof and here with CH's forensic analysis, it has been PROVEN beyond ALL reasonable doubt that our own brokers committed FRAUD against all 1200 of us.

8 years ago did you think FB would ever be worth 40 bucks a share?? I am definitely not being argumentative with anyone here but personally speaking, my case is yet to be heard and I think that lost money and the POTENTIAL of what that money INVESTED somewhere in something is worth WELL over 8.25 and Scottrade is about to find out that when you STEAL from the same people whom your brokerage is LICENSED to protect, there MUST be consequences when you are finally caught and convicted by your OWN governing body.

In my opinion only, There will be college level texts and courses taught going forward about what NOT to do to your clients after CH and company are done with these people from the DTCC on down. Books will be written. Screenplays might even be written.

What has happened to the 1200 of us is criminal. Period. End of story. Doesn't anyone get this?? I am permanently disabled and I really could have used some of the money BACK that I invested here over the past 8 years.

And I intend to continue to do everything I can to help CH beat the crooks into submission and even JAIL if that is possible, I am SO peeved off at all this.

Okay my opinion on the subject is can all return to your regularly scheduled programing......LOL

Peace out all