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Replies to #8376 on Rambus (RMBS)


02/24/06 12:48 PM

#8378 RE: smd1234 #8376

re: like to believe this move by Stone was brilliant


Agree with you. Mr. Stone is good, but I doubt he has the latitude to make a decision like this on the spot without consulting his client. Have to believe it was decided well before yesterday by Danforth and Team.

Certainly gives Judge Whyte and any other observer (CAFC, other litigants, the industry, etc. ) the impression Rambus is not going for the jugular on the one hand, while giving the knife to the jury with the other hand (to mix a coin of phrase : )



02/24/06 1:36 PM

#8386 RE: smd1234 #8376

==maybe hollydump not the best reporter==

Re: Latches and settlement
by: hollydump 02/24/06 01:06 pm
Msg: 909125 of 909151

I have to admit this exercise reminds me of freshman year of college and how weak I was at taking notes during lectures! Or maybe its like being abused as a child and bringing back the events through hypnosis?

TDOX, I actually thought you would be doing a big write up of the events. I spent more time watching the drama play out (although it was pretty mundane logistics for the most part) rather than take notes! I also expect Hager had somebody there although Yusfdbk seems to know those guys and didn't point them out? Rick Currin, are you guys doing a write up of Whyte's hearing?

Anyhow, laches was mentioned in the mix but it may have been a debate about whether laches would be in front of the jury or just in front of Whyte. It may have been that Rambus was offering the willfullness to be withdrawn if Hynix withdrew laches?? TDOX???

On settlement- at the very end before closing the hearing Whyte asked again in a kind of resigned way, "have you guys made any progress on the settlement front"? Both lead lawyers expressed no encouragement, and of INTERSEST WAS STONE'S STATEMENT THAT SETTLEMENT SEEMED LESS LIKELY WITH NEW LAWSUITS BEING FILED RECENTLY. HE SAID THE PRINCIPALS CONTINUE TO TALK BUT GAVE NO HOPE FOR A SETTLEMENT. Whyte then said he heard from Judge Seacrest (name?) re: the settlement talks and Seacrest said he worked really hard but to no avail.

My take, perhaps biased by all the opinions I've heard on this board is that Stone's statement indicated they want to ram this trial through to gain more leverage over Samsung and Micron.