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03/11/14 11:54 PM

#4703 RE: RMAN_ #4702

I was trying to see if I could find similar steps taking place in other countries.
The search is difficult in some counties.
If anyone else wants to take a stab at it.

Maybe the AT&T deal is similar to that.


03/12/14 12:07 AM

#4704 RE: RMAN_ #4702

I've seen that letter a bit ago there are many others like it buried in Google for other subsidiary's as well. There is no doubt in my mind that something is either going on or went on already how it will end is another story. Bad or good we'll eventually find out. FWIW if you compare us and the other companies listed that the SEC halted for lack of current information,......How many of those company's have spectrum (if we still own the spectrum) worth BILLIONS & have their debt own by a multibillion dollar media company? A multibillion dollar media company that has a LOOOOONNNGGGG history of making extremely complex deals & have publicly stated that they “think that could be revisited going forward”. Light Squared is soon emerging from bankruptcy I think their POR value's the company at 7.7 Billion dollars, pretty sure they own L band spectrum similar to ours that only covers 312 Americans, not only that they own less capacity as well they only have 34 Mhz and "we have" 40Mhz.