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02/26/06 5:55 PM

#296 RE: Sexton O Blake #295

Sexton, for what it's worth, here's my two cents. I use firefox sometimes, but they way they use rss really doesn't give you the full depth of how valuable rss can be to you.

You might give bloglines a try. Disregard the name. RSS kind of developed amongst blog writers and that's why it's called Bloglines. But you can use it on anything that has a feed. You can set it so that only new items show up. That's one of the main benefits of RSS in the first place -- you don't have to go around checking everyplace for new content, you simply get notified whenever there is new content. Saves you all the hassle of checking everything and having to read the headlines and say, "have I already read this story?" If no new content, you don't waste time checking.

They also have keyboard shortcuts so you can zip through stuff really quickly.