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03/11/14 3:47 PM

#84390 RE: davidc2 #84389

I know how you feel. I have a 401K and an IRA. I have lost 85 percent of my IRA having gone deep in both stocks of highly speculative nature and in those that were thought of as blue chip.

I have made money on an irresponsible emotional burst investment and lost money on a well thoughtout logical contemporary investment.

I cant tell you what to do.

Maybe buy a 1000 shares for under 4K. I cant promise, but I sure expect it to be at 5 sometime in the not too distant future. Sell 800 to get your money back and keep 200 to ride to the ultimate conclusion. If that works and it drops, try it again, only risking what you want each time, always keeping the original 200. Some people do quite good with that approach. Find a stock you think has some underlying value that is temporarily depressed, buy enough to sell some and keep at least 100 shares. I knew a guy that built quite a nice super diversified mini fund for himself over a 15 year period. He must of had about 100 or more different companies, all with 100 shares each. Some only worth about a 100 bucks, others worth about 8000.

Find a strategy you can feel comfortable with. Watch out for the message board addiction that can waist time, spur emotions, and prevent true research into NNVC and many other companies out there.

Good luck. Even the best are useless without it!