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03/11/14 1:17 PM

#10411 RE: vree #10405

Thanks for the question Vree. Transparency is key. He has come through for us on each and every PR thus far. He has stated via emails exchanged with trusted members on this board that he will not bombard us with needless or fluff PR's. We can characterize folks as businessmen and businesswomen - and sometimes personally. Those that have met him personnally can attest to this - so he's "open to the public" which is a rare trait these days. As far as business, each CEO has their successes and failures (all of them). I mean, Henry Ford and Walt Disney filed for bankruptcy during their carreers so shall we judge their progress now? From what we're witnessing here with SPLI - the characterization of business growth & augmentation is positive IMO.

The news posted today originated from Transbyte and posted onto the ERB* board and now on SPLI. So we have a businessman in Florida networking to make deals that impact the company positively with a business in Tempe Arizona (and I'm sure this is just the beginning). This is basically my neck of the woods. Like John Reiner went on a fact finding mission in Florida - I'm willing to do the same for Arizona. If it weren't for JR and Wolfe and some others going to the location in Florida - many would have waivered. But we know lot of DD now has confirmed that this venture and Vapor Group is LEGIT - and so is this CEO!

In the end, what the CEO outlines and what the CEO delivers is how his character is defined. Although bashers come to dispute that; how can we dispute the incoming progress, news, ongoing performance and significant future of SPLI (Vapor Group).

At least that's my 2 cents (soon to be $1.00+). :-)

GLTY Vree....&SPLI long
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03/11/14 2:20 PM

#10431 RE: vree #10405

Visit to VaporGroup Today

I will try to answer your question as best as possible. This will be in statement/bullet point format because we talked about alot and I don't want to be confusing.

When I first arrived I was given a tour of their entire operation from their International Sales Manager, Mike. He took me through the entire business and showed me everything and answered any operational sort of questions on how day to day operations go. Mike is a former Marine and is the "get sh*t done, no BS" kinda guy. He gets those orders out on time and keeps track of everything moving out on a daily basis. After I saw everything and asked him some operational questions I went and spoke with him and Dror about where they see the company going in the future.

On to Dror,

He knows how to run his business. He has big connections in Miami which is good in my opinion. I will say that he brought up people bashing him for the lawsuit and was pretty upset about why people would bring up something so insignificant (he went over the whole situation) the guy who sued him had no lawyer, (he also sued the transfer agent and several other people) and it seemed the guy was just uninformed and didn't realize his shares would be restricted once he bought 10% of the float. (Long story short, Dror had left the company and was sued afterwards by this guy, he took no shares or anything when he left so there is no case for fraud at all). He reads these boards time to time and I was telling him along with Mike that people do this to lower the prices to buy in lower. I know he was in the Israeli Military and Mike was in the Marine Corps. Very straightforward guys and never did I think they were trying to BS me or stray away from a question.

Some insights about the company going into the future:

1) TICKER CHANGE: I spoke about this and he seemed (understandably) frustrated that it hasn't gone through yet. He has the ticker change filed separately from any reverse split. Aviationworks doesn't exist in the state of Florida anymore and he just wants to get his ticker changed and move forward running his business.

2) NEW ACQUISITION: He wouldn't speak much of this but said that he had the controlling stake of 51% in the company and that it would add revenue immediately. He didn't want to buy the whole company b/c he didn't want to issue that many shares to the business (shareholder friendly move)

3) FUTURE REVENUES: He said that last years revenues of *confirmed* Between 1-10 million is really only from April onward because that is when they first really started selling. This years financials should be much better with the acquisition along with a full year of sales and improved distribution and sales.

4) POSSIBLE E-CIG REGULATION: This was a big question for me as there is alot of talk on CNN and other big news outlets that people want to ban E-Cigs and people don't know what is in them. Mike stated that their FDA approved lab would most likely serve as a model for how E-Liquid should be manufactured. Mike said that regulation would be good for Total Vapor as it would get rid of alot of their cheap Chinese made competition.

**How they do their E-Liquid: They then take the lab produced E-Juice and put it into the individual vials in house as they receive orders. (when I looked into the room where people were bottling the juice they had at least 10 people doing it, that is alot of $7-$13 bottles of juice in a day!)

5) REVERSE SPLIT AND SHAREHOLDERS: Dror said that they never anticipated the price to be this high when they first wanted to do a 30-1 split. With the price action as it is there **May be a possibility** that the split may be postponed longer or may be reduced in size in order to not stop the momentum. I suggested a smaller split so that liquidity wouldn't dry up and he said that that may be a possibility. He doesn't want to do anything that would hurt the great momo we have right now. There are many new PR's coming down the pipe and if the price can get to $1 then there may not be a need to do a split at all. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!

6) ERBB PR: Dror said the amount they sold to ERBB was tiny, much less than they sell to any head shop or smoke shop. It is free PR for SPLI but they won't issue one. He doesn't need pot stock hype!

They also gave me a free cartomizer of the Bannana flavor E-Liquid and it is delicious! I walked in there in shorts and a lacrosse penny (I planned on coming by later in the day but they just saw me then) and they didn't treat me any less because of that. I happen to hold 1.5 million shares but you would have never guessed it as I am 21 and on spring break. Lol, so after I post this I will be on the beach. Hope this helps!

-Rah Virginia Mil