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03/10/14 1:59 PM

#166118 RE: drlab #166114

It would have to be enough to walk into the door of PPHM and say..HI...I own this many hundreds of thousands/millions of your company's stock...not to mention all of this Preferred stock..oh...and I have lots of cash do like cash..right??.I am here to make an's likely to be a Godfather Offer...they are at a point where they want it at all costs! King will get a deal that is unparalleled and Lytle will get a nice comfy spot too and since a poison pill is in place...they know they have to pay good so as to prevent paying a King's ransom..if you will!

As far as us shareholders...nothing will beat this!~

Expect $100-300/sh easy!

That's why the options in March and April sold! Somebody knows what's going on!

These deals go fast.... in days usually!

Roche would say something's the have a week...if it falls through they dump their interest in the company...and then back to the $1.25-$1.45 days...remember them?

That's how Corporate Raids work!

It's a hostile takeover...but when King sees the deal...the two get together and make nicey nicey to each other!!

...then we all praise King for his outstanding work here at PPHM!

King's conf call last week was to toy with them...make it look as if he is not scared or interested...a nibbling technique designed to get a little more in the 11th hour!

I love negotiations! I often negotiate and love doing it....that's why i said I could kiss King for toying with them! It means the deal is near done! Hours...just hours perhaps!