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03/10/14 12:11 PM

#131281 RE: mas #131280

Agreed, very little new but that I suspect that was not the point

What do you suspect the point was?


03/10/14 1:01 PM

#131285 RE: mas #131280

I agree. I find Michael Blair (and the occasional Russ) so refreshing that I will continue to read him. I don't need to hear the nonstop dirge from the "nagging naybobs of negativism" (as Sprio Agnew once characterized it)...if someone feels that way it's ok to say it once... but twice it gets repetitive and beyond that, really tiresome and very annoying. As you said, and I agree, too bad SA doesn't list the author on the header link so I don't have to click on the I click, see a certain smug smiling face, and click instantaneously elsewhere. I can sort of infer from the title what I'm in for, so I'm getting good at avoiding the first click.