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05/09/01 10:23 PM

#123 RE: smchan #122

My last post tonight, #6 or #5 depending on deletions<g>.

Matt should charge everyone one of us to post here. You should be ashamed of yourself wanting Matt to pay from HIS pocket for your personal entertainment.

I for one would rather pay the charge upfront now, rather than risk the grand fathered statement by Matt that could be retracted.

The posting privileges granted on IHUB by Matt should not be allowed a tool of continued abuse by the foolish few who like to defecate where they eat. Dogs by their nature are smart enough not to do that.

A large number of publishers (you and I as examples) may not be appreciative of what Matt has afforded us…………for free.

I would rather pay at the door.

Addendum: If you are book marking TA threads (as few as they are here) I caution that your statement to me in your successive post is very alarming.)
