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03/10/14 10:12 AM

#68419 RE: fnovello #68373

Just FYI. Im long RIGH for three years plus and this guy has no shame. He has a grandiose sense of entitlement that justifies in his own mind his arrogant refusal to communicate to shareholders.

As you have just referenced in your email and response, Angel loves to pontificate on subjects suitable to Angel and only through private email or obscure blog sites rather than for public view via more traditional industry sources.

Another thing that Angel is that is contrary to virtually all successful CEOs is that he is garrulous in his email responses. This is the sign of a showman and not that of a CEO. A typical successful CEO does not write long winded emails. Super successful CEOs are very to the point and brief, almost to a fault except in that the actual message does manage to be conveyed aptly to the reader.

Bud Genius is a great concept, unfortunately as long as Angel is CEO this is a wildcard play. Angel lacks the business acumen and personality traits to be a truly successful CEO that is capable of bringing long term success even to a very bright idea like Bud Genius. While many CEOs will agree that there is no great benefit in overstating the day to day agenda of a companies progress to its shareholders via Press Release they will still issue quarterly and annual reports that summarize the progress made in those periods. Not only has Angel not issued the requisite quarterly reports on the financial health of the company he does not even make an attempt to communicate verbally any type of communication to shareholders to fill them in on material developments.

Think about that. Over three years and there are less communications than you can count on one hand. Does this sound like the diligent CEO he likes to portray himself as in his lengthy blog vomit?

Bud Genius may be the greatest thing to augment a burgeoning legal weed market but IMO as long as Angel, (check out my wordpress), Stanz is in charge the shareholders will continue to be treated as unwanted guests in a house built on their investment capital.

Why are there 30b shares? Probably so Angel can retain the appropriate amount of shares to maintain absolute control over RIGH and pull the rug on investors at his discretion without any competition.

Want a multi million dollar idea? Go out and start a real test lab business in Colorado and Washington State. IMO you can get the majority market share in less than one year and folks at BG won't even know what happened as captain Feathersword will still be pre occupied writing his wordpress blogs as if he were doing rewrites on an upcoming production of Captain Festhersword meets the Pirates of Penzance.

Good Grief with this clown imposter CEO already!!!