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03/07/14 9:15 AM

#219912 RE: 3Saints #219910

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 175,000 in February

Just think..........16 times MORE a month than your PIMPS created in those 8 wonderful years! You really want to bring back ANOTHER economic disaster that you always get from your PIMPS? STUPID
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03/07/14 9:36 AM

#219916 RE: 3Saints #219910

Unlike corporations, unions actually are people. They're millions of people with common purposes. How does that compare to two curmudgeons out to destroy the American way of life and establish themselves and theirs as an aristocracy?

And the problem with the Kochs is generally the sneaky underhanded way they do things.

But if Rupert Murdoch's editorial page tells you unions are bad there you have it. You suck anyway. It's not like that's going to change.
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03/11/14 7:59 PM

#220016 RE: 3Saints #219910

Union thugs? Wait 'til you see the Kochs

.. 3Saints, looks you have been willfully mislead

"The Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel either has no understanding of campaign finance,
or is willfully misleading her readers. […] In her column, “The Really Big Money? Not the Kochs"

as seems the Kochs are by far the biggest .. are yer cheeks burning. yet?

Fri Mar 07, 2014 at 01:16 PM PST

by Joan McCarter .. 66 Comments / 0 New

attribution: DonkeyHotey

Caricature of David Koch by DonkeyHotey

This is just a mind-boggling statistic .. : The various Koch-sponsored groups spent
"more than double the combined political spending (including to undisclosed group) for the top 10 unions combined" in 2012.

Here's what that looks like:

attribution: Republic Report

That includes all the "dark money" spending of both unions and the Kochs, money to Super PACs, etc. There's a concerted push now among conservatives to try to say that the Kochs really aren't bankrolling the Republican Party, and look! Unions! Bad!

The Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel either has no understanding of campaign finance, or is willfully misleading her readers. […] In her column, “The Really Big Money? Not the Kochs,” Strassel cites a Center for Responsive Politics list to claim that unions “collectively spent $620,873,623 more than Koch Industries” on political races. Of course, if you actually visit this page on the CPR website, the list runs below a disclaimer noting that it does not include certain Super PAC spending or most undisclosed dark money spending, the preferred route for the Koch brothers for decades.

I'll go with "willfully misleading" on that one. The reality is, the reported spending by the Kochs in 2012 was dwarfed—almost 100 times—by their unreported spending, $4.9 million in disclosed contributions compared to $407 million in undisclosed money spent.

Of course the best part about all that Koch money spent in 2012 is that they lost.

See also:

Koch-backed political network, designed to shield donors, raised $400 million in 2012

Koch Brothers Illegally Funnel Millions Into Campaign to Eliminate Pensions and Sick Pay

The Koch Brothers Seditious Shutdown Conspiracy Should Get Them 20 Years in Prison