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03/06/14 5:44 PM

#68514 RE: samseaborn1 #68512

Just as easily as MMRF/Armstrong amount was?
In addition, one would think, if the setlement/dollar amount was huge, MMRF could of atleast threw in the sell of the PHR in the physical stores?
Seems that would not be too big of request, since this was an infringement lawsuit..But, looks like just website..
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03/06/14 5:49 PM

#68516 RE: samseaborn1 #68512

That's the pennystock dance

Next report is the 10K. Deal doesn't fall in the coverage period

A month and a half later the 10Q is due. Since it's not likely that any monies will change hands in the next 24 days...

4 1/2 months later is the first chance we'll have to question where the money is. they'll sell a lot of stock between now and then,

Also, look at the verbiage in the 8k. You can see EXACTLY what is in the deal and no money was involved. The "payment" Walgreens made for the license is allowing MMRF to peddle it's healthrecord on their website

""Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, Walgreens purchased a Non-Exclusive License to the Company's family of patents."""...."""" Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, Walgreens has also agreed to sell the Company's MyMedicalRecords Personal Health Record (the "MMR-PHR") on""

this obviously wasn't a material event for Walgreens. No PR. No 8K. Simply another Hollywood Production for MMRF
((Also very revealing that MMRF could not get Walgreens to allow MMRF to be sold in it's stores. ))