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03/04/14 11:16 PM

#458 RE: xxxxtrader #457

They are not going the hemp route, but should consider the following.

The only options I see for NeoMagic/MercadoMagico NMGC are listed below:

1. NeoMagic NMGC you need to issue press releases on a daily/weekly basis. You need to get on the "map" letting the community know about What better exposure to the masses than consistent press releases? Many e-commerce sites don't even have this option as they are not publicly traded, use it to you're advantage to drive in new vendors/consumers just like Ebay/Amazon did in the beginning!!

2. You have some pretty big partners in you're back pockets and I haven't seen any of them (La Musica, CBS Outdoor, Compralux, Mega 97.9, Quakes) promoting (besides the CBS Outdoor bus ads) which only lasted a month or so. Why aren't you having them promote

3. Tommy boy is on twitter all day trading/tweeting so who is running and trying to grow the company? Two years later and barely any traffic/new products, it's clear who is dropping the ball. It should be all hands on deck and bring on a team of interns to help out.

Just a few suggestions, no one has seemed to listen to any of them, but all the best.