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03/02/14 8:29 PM

#9574 RE: macberry #9571

Laughable lack of DD and fear mongering is right.

Here is Steve's response in full:

"I clicked on their demo and it didn't work for me. It said I need to install the latest version of Flash.

There are a lot of companies doing cloud hosting and at one level we compete with them, but our secret sauce is our technology. They have to transcode, then use content delivery networks to host.

At that secondary level, they are potential customers. We could license our solution to them and share their savings, but still compete with them at the cloud level.

We used that approach with old Clipstream. We signed up resellers and it was common to compete on a bid with an ad agency and for our competitors to be First Media and Klipmart, who competed on one level, but used our technology at the other level. Even if we lost the bid, we still got our license fees and royalties."


03/02/14 8:38 PM

#9575 RE: macberry #9571

And so the record is clear: the premise behind this company coming to our collective attn is that a person in the tech field, who knows and understands clipstream, told Just that this French company had a competing product and was already in negotiations with google.

My question to you: if you're in the tech field and you supposedly know and understand clipstream, how could you possibly confuse it with clipstream? Like I said, focus on fundamentals, soooo much misinformation out there.