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03/02/14 1:35 PM

#70494 RE: GOLDENEAGLE7 #70470

The resume you post shows he was working in El Salvador through Dec. 2011, then there's a 2-year gap until Jan. 2004 where he started working in the U.S. and simultaneously going through Community College and then transferred to a 4-year state Uni -- the Cal State system is respectable but much easier to get into then the U.C. system (e.g. UCLA. Berkeley) and Northridge is heavily Hispanic and the majors like his poli sci do skew toward politically liberal and ethnically-oriented studies.

SO he probably emigrated here during those 2 years then got settled and down to finishing school and working...I don't know how well he speaks English but he is diligent and ambitious.

Many people with this background do speak English with an accent but it doesn't mean they're not fluent -- we can assume he's a citizen but we don't know from this for sure as it's possible to come illegally, finish college and get a job but if he didn't have a legal SS# he wouldn't likely dare run a public company.
Would be good to have an explanation for the missing 2 years, so I can only surmise it was some transition period working odd jobs,
figuring out where to live, we don't know if he knew English.

To the other reply that says "half of L A either speaks Spanish or is bilingual," yes that's true statistically but most of them didn't finish college and don't function fluently in English.
Most who come as immigrants come from uneducated backgrounds.
This guy seems to have had a professional level job in C. America.
he's currntly involved in RE especially selling bank foreclosures and distressed properties (not as much inventory left there as 1-2 years ago -- time to branch out?).

You don't even know if this resume is even relevant, so this may all be beside the point BUT my point is:

How about we focus on the individual qualifications. Same as if he came from Russia, the Ukraine, China or Bangladesh...some of these folks assimilate very well and quickly, others don't and don't want to.

Interestingly Lysiardopolous (sp!), CEO and Chairman, got his degree from the American U in Cairo which is a highly regarded uni there, although his name sounds Greek and he's well-traveled. His qualifications pertain to the travel industry and this company.

If this is the right Osegueda it's hard to see how his experience in RE pertains to the company, but then it is described as "a shell" and can be reincarnated in any form incl. jumping in on the MMJ craze, qualified or not. Wow, Osequeda's group is buying out the CEO for a mere $65K??? Was supposed to have closed already, what's the story? Any real reason to invest in this now?

A/S were 2BIL as of last filings 9/30/13: room there for more dilution. How do we know that these investors aren't going the route of many such cases, buy the shell, dilute the heck out of it dumping into the news, leaving shareholders scalped? I can name a couple of such scams that have PPL fuming on this Board after all kinds of hope and hype that briefly ran up the stock.

Osegueda seems to have been involved with Mafia clothing and denying it now? This would be his 3rd known career reincarnation in the decade since he's made his American history open (since 2004) -- buying out this company for $65K and suddenly going into the MMJ field, using a shell that can be more heavily diluted as a base...
I'm staying away. Might be good for a run b/c we all know pennies move by public perception more than fact but this is one stinky pinky that does smell stinky the more I research about it.

Thursday, 23 Jan 2014 08:00am EST

Triton Distribution Systems Inc:Says it has reached an agreement with a group of investors from Los Angeles, California headed by David Osegueda.Says the group is forming a new California Company that will assume the submitted letter of intent to Triton, and the commitment to purchase the Triton shell.Says Osegueda and his investors group, will invest an initial $65,000 in Triton.Says it is mutually agreed by Osegueda and his investors group and the management of Triton that the final, Closing Date of the takeover by the new California Company will be at the end of Jan 2014.