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03/03/14 1:46 AM

#16097 RE: Alleyba1 #16070

Alleyba says............

...........I have never diagreed that Joe Zampetti received stock as it was reported in 10-Q. All I am sayng is that te man truly believes in this stock

Let me ask you some questions:

When a herd of compensated promoters like JOSEPH ZAMPETTI and his “core” of criminal associates all post like madmen during what we now know was an orchestrated P&D last summer… …and then these posters all but abandon the SCRC board for months following the P&D… …and then they all magically return posting like madmen right at the same time that their restricted shares are unlocking… …does that sound like the behavior of an investor who is committed long-term to a stock? True longs were present and accounted for during the bleak months following the P&D wondering what the heck had happened. These posters/promoters had skipped town because they made their flips and knew SCRC was dead money until their restricted shares unlocked and became free trading.

Would someone who claimed to be in SCRC for the long-term and claimed to have never sold any shares post and boast about how SCRC was a 10-bagger for them last summer and how they look forward to SCRC bringing them another 10 bags again? Does this sound like a post of a true long-term investor to you?

JOSEPH ZAMPETTI himself famously posted here on the SCRC board last year about how one should only “rent” stocks and never “own” them. Does that sound like a long-term investor to you?

Peruse thru the posting history of the inner Core members, in particular on other penny stock boards. WDDD last year would be one example. Do you recognize the playbook? “Best CEO in the world!”, “This is a long-term play”, “I’m not selling a single share!”, “Buy, hold, and add more! Traders are losers!”, etc, etc, etc… …And then after the big pop and crash, these “loyal long-term investors” vanish from the board. You will also see that the boards the Core members post on are virtually all penny stocks. And penny stocks are trading stocks. Anyone who claims to ONLY buy/hold/add such stocks is either lying to you or is insane. Does it sound logical to you that true long-term investors would devote virtually all their time to penny stocks?

If the Core did not dump portions of their dilutive stock, then explain why the sp clearly began cratering at not one, not two, but several of the periods in time immediately following the unlocking of various tranches of restricted shares belonging to Core members? And please don’t deflect the attention to Ironridge as we have gone thru this so many times here already that it is beyond comprehension that a professional financier like Ironridge would hold onto their shares and decide to dump on the exact same days that the Core’s shares unlock and compete with them in the seller’s market.

If investors truly want to protect their investment, they need to take their blinders off and understand that crews like the Core are a dime a dozen. Unless you are part of the “inner” core and were one of the dozen+ criminals who received shares as compensation for promoting SCRC and failed to disclose it, you are nothing but a mark to them. They will NEVER tell you the truth about what they truly did. They will say all the proper catchphrases and tell you all sorts of stories to make you feel good about their commitment level. But every single crew I know (some larger, some smaller, some quite sophisticated and very well organized, and some laughably amateurish) secretly sell nearly every pop and are privately doing nothing more than executing the “rinse and repeat” principle that is central to day/swing trading. But to do it, they need bid support. And that is where marks and other retail sheep come into the picture.

And here is my final question for you: Would you concur that the following analogy is true:

A day trader is to long-term investing the way a vegetarian is to a hot dog eating contest

A simply “Yes” or “No” will suffice…