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03/01/14 10:37 AM

#219637 RE: rooster #219632

Congrats only came in 10th in this survey.

Nine out of 10 'most miserable' states are red, surprising no one

Can't blame West Virginia residents for thinking everything is shit.

So there's this thing that measures how happy people are:

The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, which interviewed more than 176,000 people from all 50 states last year, measures the physical and emotional health of Americans across the country.

So take a gander at the states with the most miserable people:

10. Louisiana
9. Oklahoma
8. Missouri
7. Tennessee
6. Arkansas
5. Ohio
4. Alabama
3. Mississippi
2. Kentucky
1. West Virginia

Mississippi is thrilled that it didn't top this list. West Virginia topped it by just being absolutely despondent about their future. And really, can't say I blame them when water in Mexico is safer than the stuff coming out of their own tap.

In any case, for those keeping score at home, that's nine red states and just one blue state. And that's not a coincidence. Also not a coincidence: Those are southern states. In fact, regionalism seems to correlate strongly on this list. I took the states ranked 1-25 on the list and colored them green, while those in the lower half red. This is what it looks like:

If we push out to #34 on the list, then Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico and Wyoming are green and all remaining red is to the east. Any thoughts why? It goes beyond mere partisanship (North and South Dakota top the list because their energy boom means lots of good-paying jobs). But aside from upper New England, New Jersey and the DC area, the further west you go, the happier, healthier and more optimistic people are.


03/01/14 7:05 PM

#219643 RE: rooster #219632

Can Sarah wave to Putin from her home??


03/01/14 10:55 PM

#219651 RE: rooster #219632

rooster -- yep, she did -- and as if actually going to war with Russia actually was an option in the case of Georgia, even then in 2008 under notorious surrender-monkey pacifists dubya and Halliburton-boy ([linked in] and preceding and following), or is now with the fun and games in Ukraine no matter who the hell happens to be in the White House -- even if that happened to be Little Taliban Sarah herself

do you think it's time we go to war with Russia over/in (for starters) Ukraine?


03/02/14 2:42 AM

#219659 RE: rooster #219632

Rooster... or should I just say "Chicken", does the irony of you chickenshit chickenhawks constantly advocating war ever sink in?

You're just a bunch of pussies throwing young men and women into meat grinders ...and for what? Your penis will never be any less flaccid. Really dude. Give it a rest.


11/13/14 8:43 PM

#229912 RE: rooster #219632