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03/01/14 7:59 PM

#15551 RE: Tru_Nort #15547

EPAZ is an legitimate company,BUT they don't make enough $$ to be self sustaining. So for them to be able to stay in business they sell lots and lots of shares.

And they give shares to workers for payment,as well as do toxic financing with Asher. Although Asher's shares are restricted until Mar.someteenth,they will short the stock down,and at the same time they will have a large bid to cover(and prop the price up where they want to sell). As long as people buy at the ask,and people sell at the bid,Asher will recyle those shares as many times as they can until their shares are unrestricted,cover and move on if they stole enough $$.

If the company can't keep the volume propped up at this time,when their shares become unrestricted they will keep dumping at the bid until they are all sold.(if you noticed the volume only shows up when diluting is going on)

NOBODY should be buying this crap stock right now,wait until its @ .0001c,then it might be worth buying,if a R/S doesn't happen shortly after. GL

This is a roach motel stock,your $$$ go in and they never come out.

The company had a chance to let it run close to a penny back in July,but NO the run was KILLED by the EPAZ dilution machine!! they didn't even give the RSI a chance to reach 70 before they turned the machine on,and DOWN it went to the trips.

If anyone can make it out with small gains or make it out breaking even,do it and never look back. IF(big if) this company stays in business,it will be another 5 years or more before they won't have to siphor $$ from "investors" selling shares to pay for the day to day operations.

I hope I'm wrong,been a bag holder for a couple of years,would like to see this turn into something positive,but I just don't see it happening in the near future.GLTA