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02/28/14 4:01 PM

#28822 RE: Shail #28818

Yeah Shail, my daughter's still cute. I submitted an RFI to the DLA asking them to qualify how they have the 60 or so FSCM 5962 awards out with only 30 or so mfgs and suppliers entered on their list. No word on that yet.

I held off on an RFI to StonyBrook, but we'll see. They've been reluctant to release anything until the DLA gives a go (e.g. Industrial Product Vendor sites). My biggest question was the 28 Signature DNA compliant companies vs. the 60 awards. The three levels of SigNATURE DNA contracts )Marker, etc - just changed there website (Wishful told me they had) and can't track that page down at the moment. Damn). Hoping the DLA would have responded with something Debbie could build from. I really feel Stonybrook is doing great, it is taking time (obviously).

I can't blame them for my choices at this point. I do back them, and now intend to proceed w/o the question on the companies and pose the topics we talked about submitting earlier:

1. Expedited earnings report, report date.
2. Any anticipated need for further cash (Crede Warrants).
3. sumthin else bout sumthin nur nuther.

Hey, thanks for commiserating with me. Pretty pissed last night at this crap. Agreeing with PASTA on the lack of volume these last couple of days.

Actually, in a holding pattern myself, BUT, looking at trends, what caused this? Hoping the NAKED TRADES are on the wire today for the beginning of the month. We didn't get destroyed last report, it just interests me.

Alrighty my Friend. Namestay!