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02/27/14 9:59 PM

#219579 RE: F6 #219574

wow..............just WOW! on that first one! .. my GLOB!


02/28/14 12:06 AM

#219584 RE: F6 #219574

Adorable lamb born with 7 legs

This lamb is perfect just the way it is.

By Aileen Graef | Feb. 27, 2014 at 2:25 PM | 0 Comments (Leave a comment)


CHIFENG, Mongolia, Feb. 27 (UPI) -- An adorable lamb was born in Inner Mongolia with 7 legs.

The lamb has two hind legs and five front legs. The two regular legs are normal and regular length, while the three extra legs are varying in length. About two minutes after the birth, the lamb could stand on its own legs and half an hour later could drink milk.

The farmer, Wang Jingfeng, was considering removing the legs, but since the lamb can walk normally with them, he decided against it. It's good that they do not have to be removed, so everyone can go see that Jingfeng's not pulling their leg.

The abnormality is due to abnormal embryo growth, and about one in 7 million sheep are born with additional limbs.


03/03/14 5:15 PM

#219775 RE: F6 #219574

That's not all he said!

Pope Francis Accidentally Drops F-Bomb During a Public Blessing

by Jenna Mullins Today 1:30 PM PST

We never thought in a million years that we would include the words "pope" and "F-bomb" in one sentence, and yet here we are.

Pope Francis shocked the crowd who gathered for his weekly blessing on Sunday at the Vatican when he accidentally let a swear word slip. And it was the ultimate swear word, too.

Instead of saying "caso," which means "case" in Italian, the Pope used the word "cazzo," which is the Italian equivalent of the word "f--k." Oh, my! Please stand by while we clutch our pearls and fan ourselves.

The 76-year-old Pope of the Catholic Church quickly realized his error and corrected himself, but it was too late. He's the first Pope in history to drop the F-bomb in public. Probably. Most likely. We think.

Here is the part of the speech translated to English:

"If each one of us does not amass riches only for oneself, but half for the service of others, in this f--k…in this case the providence of God will become visible through this gesture of solidarity."

We think he should have kept the swear word in there so it would read like "in this f--king case." That would really hammer the point home.


04/21/14 8:21 PM

#221398 RE: F6 #219574

Bush Claims ‘Affluenza’ Caused Him to Enter Iraq

It appears George W. Bush still does not regret the Iraq war, however, he has found a new reason as to why he made that fateful decision–affluenza .. . During a recent interview on Fox News, host Chris Wallace asked former President George W. Bush whether or not he regretted his decision to send troops into Iraq. The former President’s response was both candid and shocking.

BUSH: Well, Chris, as the decider I had to make hard decisions while in office. I never take back the decisions I made to keep the American people safe, but I can say that I was predisposed to making some rather impulsive decisions that may not have turned out the way I wanted them to. I dont’ feel guilty sending troops into Iraq because it was a result of my affluenza.

WALLACE: Affluenza? How so?

BUSH: Well, ya know, some fellas suffer from affluenza. I’m one of them. I grew up not having many boundaries. I could sleep through my classes, drive drunk, and sniff coke off a stripper– yet still know my daddy would have a job for me. So think about it–when you don’t suffer consequences growing up, you just don’t think of them as an adult. You shouldn’t be blamed for something you can’t help. It’s a disease.

The former President isn’t the only Texan suffering from affluenza. Recently, a Texas teen was put into rehab for affluenza .. .. after killing four people in a drunk driving incident. So far the affluenza strain has stayed within the borders of Texas; however, the CDC is rumored to be investigating the situation.

.. the one this replies to is linked here ..