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02/27/14 8:29 AM

#15321 RE: stervc #15313

Good Monrning D$cr's & Thanks


02/27/14 8:39 AM

#15326 RE: stervc #15313

All Aboard! $DSCR penny bound!


02/27/14 9:06 AM

#15345 RE: stervc #15313

GM Stervc! This co. has a great management team...The CEO sacraficed his 1 Bil shares for the shake or good of all shareholders...Barely any OTC CEOs out there would do that~ Instead of selling shares, going dark, etc...DSCR & its CEO are being more "transparent" ...They're in the process of movin' onto OTCQB, has app released to Billion Dollar Corporations: Google n Apple~ and ton n ton of other goodies~...

Sorry bro, I'm still replying to msg from yesterday...LOL...don't know if I reply to this post of your in time or not~