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02/27/14 10:31 AM

#3847 RE: detearing #3846

True, and the third raise per qtr in a row too (+ 25% YOY). From the Ackman buy back alone, GGP received an inherent windfall of .0039 cents per remaining outstanding share, just on the dividends now no longer being paid on those cancelled shares. If management's forecasted guidance hold true, my guess is we will see at least a one more cent raise by the EOY.
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08/12/14 9:28 PM

#3856 RE: detearing #3846

Today, 8/12/14 "General Growth Properties (NYSE:GGP) declares $0.16/share quarterly dividend, 6.66% increase from prior dividend of $0.15."

" If (GGP) management's forecasted guidance hold true, my guess is we will see at least a one more cent raise by the EOY." ... (2/27/14, post #3847)

With a good holiday season, I'm smelling GGP returning to a nice EOY "special divi" declaration for January possibly coming.

Should be hitting your $25 target very soon, maybe even $30 by EOY too?

Confidently still holding GGP long, and also snatched up a few more HHC shares on the pullback last week too.