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02/19/06 3:36 PM

#51877 RE: roni #51876

Interesting premise in a NY Time sartcile yesterday, that by taking out Saddam and the Taliban the Shiites and Iran are in a new unchecked position. While we focused so much on the mythical threat of Saddam and his alleged 'state terrorism' a real threat has been released.
Nice card this admin played when they mentioned mushroom clouds, even I would have voted to give them complete authority, only problem was it was spin and fed on darkest fears

Jim is Jim

02/19/06 9:20 PM

#51880 RE: roni #51876

OT: roni

If they didn't ask permission and flew over Iraq, or Saudi Arabia, or even Turkey, don't you think those countries would still be held "accountable" by the mideast in general?

Get real.

If the Israelis flew over Iraq to bomb Iran, it would escalate into a regional war pretty quickly... nobody would believe that either the US hadn't covertly approved, or is not capable of shooting down any "incursions" into Iraqi airspace.

Come on, the US owns the skies in that region and nothing gets through without our knowledge or approval or we shoot it down.

Do you honestly think the Israelis would even attempt to fly over Russia, Turkey, Iraq or Saudi Arabia without permission?

Really... look at a map... it can't be done any other way...

It was one thing to fly over Syria to bomb Iraq years ago, but there's just no way they could do it today given the geography and political reality on the ground.

It is absurd to even consider that the Israelis bombing Iraq as a possibility, without considering that even if they were somehow successful, the rest of the region would go up in smoke fast.

One short look at a map pretty much makes it clear.

(is Jim)