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02/25/14 5:55 PM

#162970 RE: stoneroad #162962

When a company, PPHM in this case, is at its strongest EVER and things like this:

...before the looming financial crisis hits and IMO will make '07/'08 look like a walk in the park.

or this:

Any number of BP’s should have made an offer to partner or merge long… long ago.

or questions about the China subsidiary or a product in 2012 must be pulled out of the sleeves to bring, even negligible, opposition against the sea of positive things that are happening, or if the PPS must be called in as a last resort of exemplary thinking to demonstrate everything must be bad then we are good.

Because in ALL OTHER CASES a decent, laid out argument could be constructed against the topics at hand TODAY without the need to pull cows out of the river of 5 or 10+ years ago.

Yes, in that era some mistakes were made WITHOUT ANY DOUBT. But who cares if we see that TODAY they no longer make them. They salvage clinical trials, got us 2 P3s and financed the company to be in a strong position owning it's pipelines and IP 100% unencumbered in stead of giving it away for breadcrumbs as do many small cap biotech.


02/25/14 6:07 PM

#162971 RE: stoneroad #162962

I'm more concerned about the 2000 earthquake that never occurred and will send Calif plummeting into the ocean!



02/25/14 6:32 PM

#162981 RE: stoneroad #162962

I have the same fear. PG