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02/24/14 10:31 PM

#219416 RE: StephanieVanbryce #219414

no shit, WTF are they afraid of? I feel for their children.
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02/25/14 3:52 AM

#219427 RE: StephanieVanbryce #219414

spot on .. 83 countries where homosexuality is illegal ..

76+ (more like 83) countries with anti-homosexuality laws

[...] to the bottom ..

Related information:

76 Countries Where Anti-Gay Laws Are As Bad As Or Worse Than Russia’s .. ..
(Each country’s law summarized in a list compiled by BuzzFeed. With photos.)

"Colin Stewart, editor of this blog" is patient, diplomatic and well
argued in his comment replies to many of the God squad who swarmed.

PS: Australia, though behind some of your states who have okiedokie same sex
marriage on balance rates well, though there is one extreme stain i'd forgotten ..

All states and territories of Australia (except for Queensland), have age of consent legislation that applies equally regardless whether the participants are male or female, same-sex or opposite-sex. All states, territories and on the federal level are at the age of 16, except for Tasmania and South Australia, where it is 17. Queensland's age of consent is 16, however it still has a "sodomy law" in their statutes dating back to 1990, punishing anal sex involving any person under 18 with up to 14 years in prison. ..

which could rate a mention in the list.

Hmm, i would have guessed Queensland was the most Christian state, it's close but NSW gets
the nod .. .. the table is near the bottom.