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02/24/14 6:03 PM

#165441 RE: J.D. Penny #165440

Thanks a million JD


Any other tidbits you can add would be appreciated , without crossing the line

wish I could have attended , so many ?,s but up in the great white north

thanks again great to hear

Michael Anderson

02/24/14 6:06 PM

#165442 RE: J.D. Penny #165440

Did they talk about who Ahnume Consultants were? Any more specifics on Medallion and how and/or with whom they plan on raising the $40 million?


02/24/14 6:08 PM

#165443 RE: J.D. Penny #165440

1 other ? for anyone who attended

We all realize HHSE is extremely undervalued , underbought for various reasons

Did Eric suggest he has a plan to resolve this at the right time , basically after audit released


02/24/14 6:22 PM

#165444 RE: J.D. Penny #165440

So potential investors required holding the meeting in NYC and didn't attend said meeting?


02/24/14 6:22 PM

#165445 RE: J.D. Penny #165440

Here is, at least (via your post), (part of) "the answer" as to why the SHM was held in NYC (at additional EX-pence).

1. Eric is a "mark-a-tear" --- and he'll make you "cry" (xometimes).

2. He is handling a breadth of items that most could NOT even
'think' about.

3. When he moves on "things", do NOT PRE-sume that he is working on a "single track"! He is "juggling" CO-LATERAL ITEMS --- which may not be apparent to us/US.

4. As far as the "audit": I used to be more serious about it, but I think that this is one of those times --- many of those times --- when: IF IT CAN GO "WRONG" --- IT WILL!

5. But in "the face(s)" of ADD-versities --- ADD-WORSERIES --- he has to forge A-head, RE-gardless. And he "knows" this. And he PRO-ceeds, A-cordingly!

6. IF no "thing" else --- give him an "A" for "A-STAMINA"!

P.S. PRO-nounce it as: "NOO YOIK"!


02/24/14 7:04 PM

#165449 RE: J.D. Penny #165440

Thanks for sharing you REAL and VALUABLE DD here, J.D...EVERYONE knows HHSE's true value of 10+ cents and as long as the tactic of pps suppression, creating frustration and scaring away shares works, not everyone will admit to matter...10+ cents in the short term (uplist coming in a few weeks), and $1.00+ in 2015...



02/25/14 12:11 PM

#165539 RE: J.D. Penny #165440

Reason for meeting being held in NY.. Thanks !!!
Potential investors that Eric had dinner with after the meeting on Friday had certain requirements. Holding the meeting NYC was one of their requirements. I interpreted these investors to be extremely serious about HHSE.