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02/23/14 8:16 PM

#70739 RE: elichen #70737

He knew the science,as I previously stated and i'm not going to get into your "smartest"'s just not worth it.

He left because he felt he could do better elsewhere.

I'm done speaking of an individual whose chosen to move on.

I think Kim should have sold the technology to some other company and let them do the dirty work on the ground (literally), having gotten both himself and the shareholders OUT with a decent amount of $$$.

Based on what?

How long you feel it should take for this particular technology to be up and running commercially?

Kim could've done a lot of things,if the opportunities presented themselves.

He has stated that he's looking out for the shareholders and without knowing exactly what is or has been occurring behind the scenes,you can't say that he isn't doing just that.

Anyone who says otherwise is merely my opinion.

You're out and I wish you well.


KBLB....more than just a ticker symbol.

We Can and We Will....Succeed.

Take Care and God Bless....God Bless Us All.


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02/23/14 8:34 PM

#70744 RE: elichen #70737

You obviously have a great deal of respect for zincfinger. Since he was "the smartest guy the board", maybe there's a trait of his you should try to emulate. He doesn't post here anymore. He sold his shares and moved on, while continuing to monitor KBLB. He doesn't have your strange desire to spend his time bashing a company he is not invested in. Why do you?
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02/23/14 8:36 PM

#70745 RE: elichen #70737

Being the smartest guy in the room or lab, doesn't mean you are infallible. He has made mistakes. It is tough dealing with the consequences of people pointing those mistakes out, but that is life. Mistakes will get blown out of proportion.

I think Kim should have sold the technology to some other company and let them do the dirty work

Well I prefer Kim make it happen. Selling it prematurely severely limits monies to be made. Something underdeveloped never sells for amounts that developed companies sell. So I am glad you are not running the company.

everyone's risk could have been greatly reduced if he'd made it so everyone could take the $$$ and run instead of slogging along for years.

Well no kidding. You should have a nice chat with the people at Whats App. They had premature offers when they were undeveloped.....Well looky looky what they got from Facebook. Monster difference and point made over and over and over. 19 billion reasons to smile for the investors, in this case. This is to say that waiting has its rewards.

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02/23/14 8:53 PM

#70749 RE: elichen #70737

You should really check into something before you let big words sway you...

ZincFinger Thursday, 04/28/11 10:44:15 PM
Re: motherland post# 18874
Post # of 70744
Why zinc fingers will make a massive and rapid improvement:

I have been a long time holder of SGMO (Sangamo Biosciences) stock - since 2000.

So far he hasnt got back to even.
SGMO opened on its IPO Jun 23, 2000 open19.97 high28.06 low18.25 close 27.62

Today...Feb 3, 2014 open19.35 high20.30 low17.61 close 19.51

So after 14 years of holding he is still in the red and that is including the recent spike.
On the other side when I invested in KBLB in 2009 it was .015. Now it is .06 an increase of 400% in 5 years.

Book smarts and trading smarts ARE NOT the same thing. And because a person took a college biology class does not mean he knows the first thing about KBLB or what they are doing. If it was so easy that a message board poster could just explain it, it would have been accomplished a long time ago.
Take the information you can from everyone but dont let anyone convince you that they KNOW what is going on when the company hasnt told them

And personally I will NEVER take the word of someone who names themselves after the stock or product for ANYTHING.
It is an obvious ploy to imply knowledge.
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02/24/14 9:55 AM

#70783 RE: elichen #70737

Are you trying to convince us or yourself.....good luck with your choice...