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02/23/14 4:41 PM

#70732 RE: elichen #70730

I have said it for over 3 yrs...the idea that holding a pink sheet that is run by someone doing on the job ceo training is can be made elsewhere instead of letting it sit dead for years while crossing ones fingers and listening to whispers...

imo its close to financial
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02/23/14 6:32 PM

#70733 RE: elichen #70730

With all due respect,ZF knew the science and felt it was time to move on.

I'm not going to talk ill of him just because he stated selling his position in KBLB.

It was his decision and I wish him nothing but good fortune going forward.

As you have also stated doing the same thing,I wish you more of the same I did ZF.

The silk industry is alive and well and in those areas of the world,where the economy is lagging in that particular industry,they're in the process of stepping up their game to help ensure future economic success.

FYI- just because a company's lab is,as you put it:"tightly controlled, clean, high-tech" doesn't ensure success;no matter what continent it is on.

Remember though that ZF did state that he's going to continue to watch KBLB and hasn't ruled our purchasing a position in the future.

One can find fault with just about any company;it's not extremely difficult to do.

i'm sure glad i moved my $ elsewhere.

As long as you are pleased with your decision,I couldn't be happier for you.

Me;i'll continue to hold my shares and show support for KBLB by stating:

KBLB....more than just a ticker symbol.

We Can and We Will....Succeed.

Take Care and God Bless....God Bless Us All.


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King Bolaba

02/23/14 7:01 PM

#70734 RE: elichen #70730

Don't count Zincfinger out of KBLB.

I predict he will be back.

His average pps will be higher though.
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02/23/14 8:12 PM

#70738 RE: elichen #70730

i agree with Zinc that there are far better choices than KBLB, and i'm sure glad i moved my $ elsewhere.

That isn't what he said. He is out because like you, he wanted to make money elsewhere. It doesn't take a mountain of brainstorming to come to the conclusion that there are other stocks. I own several myself, as do many if not all people that post here. So zinc had money to make elsewhere and like you again, he is keeping an eye on KBLB. The allure is clearly powerful. Though you hide behind a narrative that it is more difficult than it is going to be. To a degree, so does zinc. He has been wrong 2 other times and will be wrong again. Not for the interim, but that the time involved means something is wrong. It simply means it takes time and money to make agreements with a "gazillion" silkworm farms etc. It is happening and it is obvious.

Storms, tsunamis, draught, floods. Civil wars.

Yes yes...under every rock....don't pick that one up. Having many problems isn't a show stopper. You spread the risk out between many nations and many silk farms across a nation and you limit the effect regional issues play. It is wise to expect them and clearly Kim knows this. No need to blow it out of proportion. Weather already played a part in delays, so yeah, when you have one place it makes the point.

Zinc dropped out twice before and will be back again. So really how significant a tell is it? He is learning to trade and not invest. I elect to do both, though clearly if you incorrectly interpret the time it takes for Kim to get everything done, without making phone calls to assuage your fears, then of course you will make the errors he has made in the past.

So I do not disagree with making money elsewhere. I do think people blow things out of proportion. Without weaves you cannot know if there are marketing problems. They are producing MS, so thinking there is a problem there...other than money and time limitations, is a poor conclusion. Zinc has done that now 3 times, ignoring the people that know. That is how speculation works with money in the mix. No harm no foul zinc's part....but blowing it out of proportion by making it significant.... well like I said, Z has a proclivity to thinking something is wrong.....but follow whomever you please.

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02/23/14 8:30 PM

#70743 RE: elichen #70730

LMAO. It depends on when you are talking about. The day before a CC he will say its worthless the day after a PR it is gods gift.
Like many who come out during the quiet times between PRs and try very hard to explain why KBLB is going to die and are just as suddenly gone when the PRs come out.
Know anyone like that?
IMO with all the childish posts we get here there should be a PR monday and then a good portion of people will vanish for a few weeks.

Bottom line is business takes time. It doesnt take the time you say or the time I say it takes exactly how long it takes. .

As stated... most people are here for profit.
Some are ok with making the profit that comes.
Others want to do anything in their power to make the extremes in that price movement
1 o.r 2 are too immature to have a reason other than to troll a message board from moms basement.

We accept all kinds here but the people saying things that are obviously wrong are only attempting to make the world see things their way.
So we get "we were lied to" and no lie is produced.
Or we get a snide comment to every post no matter what because there is a need for attention.

The vast majority of posts here are nothing to do with KBLB or stocks at all. They are 1 person trying too hard to get under others skins. Thats why the "quote and comment" posts never end and never include the slightest facts

IMO the people who post negatively are the most important people to listen to.
They are the ones who will give you a reason to not invest. But they are subject to proof more so than a positive poster.

I can say that MS will bring the PPS to @) bucks but there CAN NOT be proof till it happens.

But if someone says Kim is lying that is something that HAS happened. There MUST be proof. That proof is ALWAYS lacking here.

You can say it is taking too long and I can say it should take more time. Both of us are guessing. We need something to support our opinion to say we are right.
So far NOBODY has said ANY reason that it is taking too long.
They are no more than a child whining in the back seat with no concept at all of why it is taking "too long"

i agree with Zinc that there are far better choices than KBLB

So please show me the better silk investment.
If you dont want to do that Show me the better textile investment.
Or show me the stock with the better potential gains

I agree there are much more stable less risky investments out there. Gold is a good one. And when gold gets up to 2400 bucks it will have increased 100% from the recent low. I believe KBLB needs about 1 cent to be 100% of the recent low.
Which do you think will happen first?

Show me a better place. Explain why it is "better"
And just so you know "Better" doesnt just mean safer
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02/24/14 2:57 PM

#70797 RE: elichen #70730

Looking forward to your answer to ES1....
So please show me the better silk investment.
If you dont want to do that Show me the better textile investment.
Or show me the stock with the better potential gains

I agree there are much more stable less risky investments out there. Gold is a good one. And when gold gets up to 2400 bucks it will have increased 100% from the recent low. I believe KBLB needs about 1 cent to be 100% of the recent low.
Which do you think will happen first?

Show me a better place. Explain why it is "better"
And just so you know "Better" doesnt just mean safer