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02/22/14 5:12 PM

#42117 RE: etc #42116

If that was the case it would be a dividend of new shares with no mention of a reverse split.

The stock price dropping over 50% on that news pretty much says it all. If this was truly a beneficial thing for shareholders we wouldn't have fallen in share value and actually would have seen a significant increase in share trading volume.

In my opinion this is just a scam for insiders to make a few thousand bucks at our expense. They could have at least tried to become a Marajuana stock and jump on that band wagon, you see what those stocks are doing? Lol

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02/23/14 10:50 AM

#42120 RE: etc #42116

I don't know etc.. honestly speaking, this is too complicated for me.

The 1-for-1 share exchange occurs after the 1-for-2000 reverse split I believe.

So if 500 million EXBX shares are currently Outstanding (and it's 475 million Outstanding according to last 8-K I believe), I would guess that gets reduced to 250,000 before this 1-for-1 share exchange.

If after this share exchange, us shareholders have 250,000 shares of this new company stock, it will be less then a half percent I believe considering that another 40-60 million post split shares are going to be issued. At least that's the way I see it.

Yes, no doubt, the CEO said I would still have all my shares in EXBX.... BUT, are those shares still going to be tradable on the OTC Pink Sheets Stock Exchange ???????

I could care less how many shares of EXBX I have if they are not tradable.

What I don't understand is how can you end up having two (2) tradable stocks on the Pink Sheets from one tradable Pink Sheet EXBX ??

If that were the case, why would companies spend thousands and thousands on IPOs when they can simply just RM?

If that were the case, why doesn't EXBX just pump out publicly traded companies no different than McDonalds pumping out hamburgers?

That doesn't make sense to me.

And add to that the fact that EXBX CEO Shaun Irvine cannot even answer some of my questions in writing, well..

I don't trust this deal. And you shouldn't either in my opinion.

These statements are all just my opinion.

Shaun Irvine, why won't you clear up all these questions and concerns ???

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03/01/14 1:50 AM

#42147 RE: etc #42116

Hey etc, it appears to me, and it is my opinion, that former Exobox Board member Eric Cavanaugh wanted former Exobox Board member Carl Ulepich's son to coerce shareholders on iHub into voting in favor of Exobox CEO Jack Cukjati's proxy proposals which included a reverse stock split and to approve the actions of the Board.

Judge for yourself,

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Eric CAVANAUGH
> To: Carl Ulepich
> Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 9:05 PM
> Subject: Re: LOI
> Carl, didn't you say your son gets on IHUB. Can he say
> something like, looks like Kampa is trying to help the
> shareholders by buying the patent instead of foreclosing on the
> patent, but it is time for the shareholders to make that
> decision by there vote. Put in there that he thinks Kampa will
> foreclose if the shareholders don't vote to sell. Also, it
> doesn't look like anyone understood that we might have another
> product to go forward with. We can have revenue from the new
> product and from Kampa's group to help move forward but the
> company will probably go bankrupt if the patents aren't sold. We
> need the ihub to start talking about selling the product is the
> only way for Exobox to survive. Thanks Eric

The following iHub post from beachbum2010 was posted on Tuesday, December 21, 2010 10:37:47 PM. (approximately 1.5 hrs after the email from Eric Cavanaugh was sent to Carl Ulepich)

beachbum2010 Tuesday, December 21, 2010 10:37:47 PM
Re: None Post # of 41094

"Just read the 8-K ... looks like Kampa is buying the technology instead of foreclosing on it pending shareholder approval. As shareholders we need to vote to let him buy it. If not he will foreclose and we will see nothing!! How many of you on here plan on attending Jan. 7th? This company has had so many ups and downs and here is a bright spot to actually make money and get out of debt. Plus, looks like Scott Copeland has new technology to bring to the table which would mean more profit for the company. Things appear to be on the up and up.... Anyone else want to add their 2 cents?"

If it's true (and I'm not saying that it is), that former Board members enlisted the help of another person by giving him insider information to do the Company Board's "bidding" so to speak I think can be described as DUPLICITY (dishonest behavior that is meant to trick someone).

Posts by beachbum2010

"There is still a chance for people to pick up shares and make 2 or 3 times their investment once the 15th hits IMO."

"This company is definitely headed in the right direction but it is up to us shareholders to vote for it to go in that direction. It's up to you, do you wanna sell the technology or have it taken and see no profits? Plus Copeland is going to work with the company and has new technology to add which means more profits."

"The stockholders better approve the agreement otherwise this company is going to sink. Once they approve, this thing starts rolling."

"How is this a negative? I say vote "YES" for the reverse split IMO."

Posts by Boomersooner

Posts by etc

If only we could get to the whole truth.

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03/27/14 8:43 PM

#42311 RE: etc #42116

Eric, I just have 1 question. The CEO stated that the Company has approximately 475,000,000 shares of Common Stock outstanding, and is expected, as a result of the reverse stock split (but prior to the issuance of rounding shares in the reverse stock split) to have less than 250,000 outstanding shares. Add to that 40,000,000 shares plus another 20,000,000 shares to settle loans outstanding and liabilities, and you get 60,250,000 shares Outstanding. Could it be that the 20,000,000 shares to settle outstanding loans and liabilities include former EXBX Board members? Just a thought.