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02/17/06 3:20 PM

#8763 RE: ontheedge01 #8751

Ontheedge, you have gone too far and are totally out of line!

I have made it perfectly clear in the many posts where my concerns lie. I have explicitly explained it to you in the following post:

(Excerpt, but read the whole link, especially the bottom)

"Get one thing straight Edge, I do not know Poteet at all and do NOT slander or bash his character. I've stated that before.

What I question is his documented involvement with a public company, Loch Harris which I was heavily invested in. I question his actions, as well as the actions of all the officers, directors and insiders of the company."

You have tried to play a game of intimidation by embedding in you posts to me that you know my name, work name, work address, business type... etc. I have been deluged with hang- up phone calls at my place of business that curiously occur right after I post a message. Are these tactics indicative of the honest investor that you portray yourself to be?

I have intentionally explained myself to you in the above post yet you continue with the libelous statements against me:


"...confront the person he slanders..."

"... went to Tucson and sat down with the very men that diddy bashes..."

{i}"You know nothing of the CDEX men you butcher on this board."

"if you only want the stock price to increase and forget all the lies that diddy has posted

the lies that diddy has posted about the science"

I have asked you to show me where I have lied about the science. I have asked you where I have attacked Poteet's character? Once again, show me these posts Ontheedge.

I have explained where my investment interest had lied and why i want to know the truth about certain events. I have announced that a group is investigating possible civil action against senior management of Loch Harris. I made it clear that it would not involve CDEX or any of its officers, diectors or staff (including MP and WP).

I was surprised that after the years that certain posters had pointed the finger at the alleged culprits, after the capnmike "open letter series", after it was evident that many posters had valuable information that would be useful, not a single one of these people responded to my post in private.

You keep asking me about a Sept, 2004 post and others have told you to just post it if you think it's important. You've certainly done that in the past. You claim it shows who I am and apparently is the smoking gun. Why haven't you posted it edge?

Now I want you to explain this:


"As for diddy, I know to much about him as a person. He is not a good person, period."

That is a libeous public attack on my character and I expect you to explain (for the record) how you know me personally?