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02/21/14 10:20 AM

#6415 RE: yeen #6413

if AHP article was paid pump then i don't like it too, but this is an article to aware possible investors
or an opinion about what they think

J.T. The DD King

02/21/14 9:36 PM

#6472 RE: yeen #6413

Quiet isn't bad? Where did you learn that? "Quiet" dropped us from $1.75 to $.82 & you're OK with that? Whatever,...

Fwiw, IMO "Quiet" was about to tank this to $.60 or less until I stepped in. According to my bar "Quiet" isn't "Bad", it's freeeking HORRIBLE! There is nothing worse than quiet for any publicly traded company.

The AHP piece isn't a paid article but it should be! I hear the author is one cool, good looking, smart dude. ;-)

Look Fellas ANY awareness is good awareness. Things in life either get better, or they get worse. Nothing ever stay's the same so the question should be; Which direction do you prefer? Do you like being a loser? I sure the heck don't!

Does it matter who's buying! Really? Would you rather continue on a downward slide because some buyers might not meet your grade?

Omg, that's so silly. Who gave you the right to judge what's best, and Ya know what? Whomever is in charge with that misguided attitude has cost us millions upon millions of dollars. We should have uplisted months ago.

This isn't rocket science. We want the snowball to get larger, not smaller. That's it! That's the big secret!

For those of you thinking "Oh no! JT! Don't bring traders or the wrong buyers in on this!". Too late. Do you want me to instruct everyone to pull out? Do you prefer $.80?

Lemmie tell you all, ANY liquidity is good liquidity. You want all the traders and buyers you can get, because buying brings liquidity.

What's liquidity you ask?

Liquidity creates an exit for you when you want to sell or an entry when you want to buy. Without liquidity, Market makers are free to tank a ticker. Just like they've been doing since August as your ZERO portfolio lost 50% of it's value, instead of gaining 50% per month.

In addition, without liquidity, if you want to sell, you cannot get the best price, as when you are trying to buy you cannot get the best price.

Without liquidity, you are at the mercy of market makers that are more than happy to rape you when selling, or gouge you when buying. Get it yet?

Liquidity is your friend, therefore unless you like the sound of crickets, or losing most of your investment until that big day finally (If ever) comes, " Traders" are your friend.

I'll tell Ya, one thing that bothers me to hear uninformed investor's or a company's management say "We do not want to create awareness because it might attract the wrong investor". That's one of the silliest things I've ever heard.

1.) YOU CAN'T CHOOSE WHO IS BUYING YOUR STOCK, regardless of when, or how they are buying.
2.) Any buying is good buying.
3.) You can't predict the future.
4.) As a company you can't be like a baseball team that thinks they do not have to do anything to win the game for the first 7 innings because Babe Ruth is coming to bat later in the game. That spells disaster 9.9 times out of 10.

There are a zillion things that can do wrong so you should be working towards the goal, protecting your shareholders at every opportunity, which includes working to increase the PPS, EVERY SINGLE DAY! Not just think "It's in the bag so we don't really care if the PPS drops".