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Old Tymer

02/21/14 9:56 AM

#16090 RE: kutie #16027

kutie, according to the Colorado Secretary of State, 'Bearpot, Inc.' was just created on 2-14-2014. It never existed before.

Their website was created on 2-7-2014. So, they created their website on 2-7-14, then one week later, registered with the Colorado SOS. But STBV claims to have purchased an existing company in the marijuana industry.

Andy has gone from having to raise $3M with this placement of his or he's going to have to shut down for lack of funds because he has no money left (his own words), to now buying a company that never existed? How does that happen?

From STBV's PR: "...and has signed an agreement for the purchase of Bearpot, Inc., controlling entity of an existing Marijuana Growing facility located in Teller County, Colorado."

Well, IF this is true, then this existing company called 'Bearpot, Inc'. has been operating illegally in the State of Colorado. As the records show, they didn't exist before 2-14-2014. So who's lieing, or trying to pull the wool over our eyes...again?

It seems a little difficult to me to be able to purchase a company that never existed. Can someone tell me how this can be done?

Colorado Secretary of State website. Just type in Bearpot, Inc.:

Hopefully these links will paste properly. If not, just go to the link above and type in the company name: