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02/21/14 12:49 AM

#161710 RE: Trademenow #161709

And they should stop already with the daily Facebook posts about the crap ass Nanosign. Priorities need to be set straight. NP-freakin-1.
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02/21/14 2:05 AM

#161718 RE: Trademenow #161709

Well I'm in as far as I can be. But I agree with a lot of sentiments here, including your's and the other responder to your post.

I believe NTEK is an incredible company, but my experience is similar to yours. The time is coming for NTEK to put up or shut up. I do think tho, that they have encountered some unexpected delays.

But, if nothing transpires by the end of the month, regarding NP-1 being on shelves, I must say they will remind me of meth heads. Sketchy, excuses...

Excuses run thin. They are only good for a short time. Good will is only good until your latest promise keeps getting delayed.

They seem to think the end of the month is a reasonable time frame. Time to hold them to it for a change. If it gets delayed again, I'll have to consider eating a 30-40% loss. Better to lose that than lose it all. My doubts are starting to creep in, at least they are getting strong enough to consider selling if they delay it past the end of the month.

They say, the NP-1 is in stores just waiting for a 30 minute training video to be made, copied 300 times at $10 bucks a pop ($3G's total, + shipping, add another $5 bucks each, another 1.5G's; less than five grand total), and have people on the floor watch it and try it. (Ok, that is how I would do it. It is far cheaper than sending someone, and according to NTEK it is a simple system. So simple they can sell it online and not worry about training people, heck some have already gotten one and proved that!)

And that will take month(S)?? And some will think I am unreasonable to think this is total BS?

um, ... k.

Just saw a FB update from a certain someone. Ok, I have to admit I let my frustrations get the best of me. And that's all I'm going to say about that.

EDIT again...
read some more update on that FB page.
It does make sense. This company only does have one chance to do it right. I appreciate they are taking their time to do just that! To make a good FIRST! Impression on the WORLD!

When they step on the stage and let the world know what they are unleashing, we will all appreciate it. The outlooks of the longs who have been here since .000 does make me jealous, I admit. But I don't begrudge them anything. I will be in a good position by May 15 I truly believe.

NTEK is STRONG. I just need to be more patient, and quit wineing. Er, quit whining. ok, that does fit. dang it.