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02/22/14 12:53 PM

#8215 RE: bigworld #8213

Sometime in the 90s, the wise law that limited media ownership concentration to no more than 7 stations, was repealed, and ever since then, we lost objective journalism, and are on our way to losing freedom of speech.

For the last 20 years, big-monied interests have spent billions, making it their full-time job to gain a stranglehold over America. They did it by using money to put their puppets in power in both parties, and now they control everything, the media, the judiciary, the legislative, and executive branches.

It is an illusion that we live in a free country. They are in the process of establishing a stranglehold over us. When they are able to do that, the rest of the world will follow suit, since we are the military arm for these beings.

They will soon cause a global currency crisis, to starve us out, until the outcry is so great, the IMF will ride in and solve the problem will a single currency.

America has become soft and allowed a creeping incrementalism to slowly give up our freedoms. Bill Clinton brought us NAFTA, George Bush brought us Homeland Security, Obama the governmentalization of our healthcare. One by one, these puppets that are the president allow more and more of our way of life to be taken from us under the guise of "being good for us".

I believe that we will not wake up before it's too late. Perhaps, and hopefully, the human spirit will arise from some unexpected place, and their nefarious dreams of global domination (perhaps they are inspired from some unseen entity?) will be thwarted yet.

I believe in the human spirit, and the goodness of the universe. But, we humans need to be constantly vigilent to defend the freedoms of a great state, like the United States and the Constitution that our government was based on. Sadly, it's obvious now that it can be malignantly used to create a tyrannical state. how could we do things differently to prevent greedy interests from distorting it's intent in some future iteration of the Constitution somewhere else? that question could use some serious debate.

Maybe it's time to find a new "new world"? Argentina, perhaps? And re-do the American experiment, with new information and leadership. The rats have taken over the ship here, and she may be slowly sinking.