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02/20/14 10:36 PM

#4122 RE: Hurricane_Rick #4121

Rick are you talking about the MULTI MILLION $$$ contract with ALMONT? I think I read something about that in a past PR. In case you didn't know. I read the past PRs. LOL


02/21/14 1:38 PM

#4123 RE: Hurricane_Rick #4121

It is more apparent now than ever before it does not even matter whether the technology works or not as long as George refuses to cede control of operations.

Did he think the Chinese were going to give him a 100 million dollar facility and workforce without a controlling interest? I thought that was the best part about the deal...and had hoped the promise of putting the technology to immediate use would have swayed George's opinion....apparently not. Wouldn't you rather own 49% of a billion dollar company than 99% of one that is on its last leg financially?

George might be Edison for all we know, but it is obvious he can't stop from stepping on his own feet with the business operations......and why would he even want to?

The press releases are still sloppy and seem to continually put the horse before the cart so to speak in terms of where they actually this case no news is actually better than news....It just makes people more suspicious than they already are....

I think we can be assured there are no working generators in the field or we would be bombarded with news of them.

He now wants another premium stock placement? Even if there were that many suckers is that even allowable by SEC? Wouldn't it just further dilute our already watered down stock price?

If all that is needed is 10 mil why can't he access this much touted 20 mil from Duchess? Isn't that what it was for in the first place? If not then what was it intended for? Is it still available? I would guess not.....anyone know?

I had really hoped there was going to be some positive new news to follow a meeting where people left excited but I think the last few days of trading are probably indicative of how people left feeling after another meeting of the same old....

My stock is sitting where it is so I'm still keeping my fingers crossed but all the money in the world isn't going to make the company run any better.....I hold it for the same reason I buy lottery tickets....Hey, you never know!

Thanks for the meeting update...

kyser soze

02/21/14 5:17 PM

#4124 RE: Hurricane_Rick #4121

As usual, a lot of things were discussed about past/present deals with various states (OK was one) in the country but nothing worth mentioning. I did not attend the meeting where the representatives from NJ were there (if they ever were there). I specifically asked George about the Well-to-Wire/Almont fiasco and he said the generators were shipped back to NJ because they needed to be reworked. I then suggested Almont has given U 5 million for R&D and owes U another 5M after production for licensing fees, make a deal with them because it would be a win/win for all parties involved, meaning it's in their best interest for Coates to actually ship things out the door and Almont would start making $$$ for fees and servicing their customers. George said he would not do that. I also questioned him about the durability issues of his generators/engines. He said all of his generators/engines have no durability issues. I asked him when this was resolved and he told me two years ago. This was all done during the Q & A group discussion phase. George also stated he has invested a couple of million dollars of his own family s money the last few years into Coates.
My take of the whole thing is Coates seemed to be as close as they ever been to production. On the other hand George/Jr etc have controlling interest of the company and George is going to do what George wants to do.