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Until2020, formerly Until2017

02/20/14 12:01 PM

#101 RE: NYBob #99

Your PNPFF POST: There is a lot to absorb. Especially about the certs.

JUST A PASSING NOTE: The so-called cold-war ended. And the USA won, whatever that means.

It's hard to believe that IRAQ, Russia, China, Vietnam, IRAN, and most countries with whom the USA has had past and present conflict : THEY ALL HAVE CENTRAL BANKS ! ! !

GIMME A BREAK! Don't the communists/socialists have any pride at all? Taking on the broken USA Central Bank model is the surest sign of failure. I gues they need the Central Bank model to plunder their people, too. Sad.

At least they are all taking gold into their hoards. Which is good for PNPFF, IMO.

F.W.I.W. department: the USA has no gold, ZERO GOLD, in its Ft. Knox and West Point and NY Fed bullion repositories. NONE. I am certain.

They do have some canvas bags, with $20. gold pieces from the late 1800s and early 1900s, but those are not the same as "good-delivery" bars suitable for international trade. They need to be refined to four nines before the Arabs and Far Easterners will accept them.

Well, anyway, the gold bars are all gone, and some few million nominal one ounce coins, the antique double-eagles, remain.

We are gonna be killed when the dollar collapses. And confiscation is a certainty. Unless you have stacked bullion, and actual stock certs, as you recommend.

Excellent advice! Remember the FDR gold confiscation act in 1933, always! Soon to return, IMO.

Later, until2017


02/21/14 3:53 PM

#104 RE: NYBob #99

It looks like we get one of these every month. Will we have another one to look for next week?