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02/19/14 8:15 AM

#2478 RE: ral4 #2477

my favorite line is the last line from that article.

<....Fortunately the software to do it exists and is easy to use, we just have to get started....>


02/19/14 8:22 AM

#2479 RE: ral4 #2477

ral4, that's indeed a very interesting article!
And once again, the contents of this article helps us to understand what a great solution Glassware2.0 is for enterprise mobility and usage of all kinds of BYOD.
Eventually you could respond to Peter's tweet and ask if he knows what Brian Madden, the author of that article thinks about Glassware2.0

Today I stumbled upon another article that is very telling:
VDIs Can Solve Several Common BYOD Concerns

Hereunder an interesting extract of that article:
The top thinkers in the tech space haven't quite found the magic bullet to alleviate all security and consistency concerns for the consumerization of IT yet, but there are signs they're getting closer. Stemming from these conflicting needs of security and privacy, more solutions were searched out. The best and the brightest came up with using Virtual Desktop Infrastructures. VDIs run virtual desktops right from the company servers, which the company is free to lock-down as much as they feel like they need to.
Traditional BYOD policies had two main concerns: Companies worried about security; employees worried about privacy. VDIs are almost perfectly suited to solve these BYOD issues.
Security Issues
Company data doesn't live on the employee device so remote wipes aren't necessary. If an employee loses their device, their account can simply be denied access. Firewalls are put in place on the company server side; not on the employee device. There are still some limited security concerns, but the practice has been deemed good enough to house medical records.
Privacy Issues
Employees are working on a virtual machine that doesn't require the permissions that an app might. There's no geo-locating need, since the company data is secure on the company servers. The company has no need to look at phone data, because nothing on the virtual server will be affected by it. In terms of employee privacy, it's as near a perfect solution as can be found with our current technology.
Incompatibility Issues
Kindle Fires, Nooks, Nexuses and iPads don't all run the same software. Sometimes programs aren't available for each device at all, other times employees just haven't invested in them. Instead of forcing the entire office to purchase mobile versions of Microsoft Office, access virtual machines on them so they can all have access to the same software they use at their desks. Of course, this means that they can still use the same firewall and security programs as well.
In a world where the only thing valued more than company security is individual privacy, tech experts are trying to find the perfect solution to the BYOD dilemma. Virtual Desktop Infrastructures have burst back onto the scene just in time to offer some glimmer of hope that everyone's priorities can be met.

Mmm, it looks like a lot of companies should be very open to what Sphere3D/V3Systems/Overland have to offer!