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02/18/14 12:29 PM

#5 RE: joenatural #4


I look forward to that level of appreciation.

Looks like Gary has done a great job here finding this one!



02/18/14 5:08 PM

#6 RE: joenatural #4

I think it's going to have a nice steady move up.

On first day of trading in US GGRGF only managed 700 shares (12/9) and MGI did 6k + today.

Because MGI is a mixed revenue stock I'd think it will ultimately trade with a PE close to Groupe Gorge, which is about 90 now.

But the bottom line here is that even 3D Systems is expected to make about .55-.80/share GAAP for 2013, and MGI is expected to make $1.50/share GAAP for 2013.

Ceradrop also sold more printers last year than VJET (definitely) and Groupe Gorge (probably)....and now they've got both the MGI and Minolta sales channels open to them. Sales of Ceradrop could really ramp this year and it will be exciting to watch!