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02/25/14 11:58 AM

#42179 RE: Amanita #42162


One might want to re-think the way one might test the public reading of this board.

Who knows, this may be going on now.

One ask investors to do a simple on line survey of 3 different companies.

Cdex of course being one of those companies.

The questions can be really simple.

Once one has the surveys from 100 or more potential investors, who have never heard of the three stocks answered, you document that survey for the next test to come.

It truly is amazing how powerful the information that is obtained for Cdex has been.

There is a significant difference between whining about getting let go from Cdex and the continual deception that most all post on this Cdex public board has typed each and every day.

As I and others have pointed out before, those who are out cause harm to Cdex have been noted, these are the one's that with each past post have done nothing but twist and lie and deceive any potential investor that might visit this site.

When one looks at the past 12-15 years of Loch/Cdex, it is most obvious who has eyes to see, and the means to make change, and to help wrongful acts to become available for the consequences that those acts have caused.

Yes, one is right, when one reads how the changes came to be. There certainly was " A POINT" that was made.