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02/18/14 1:04 PM

#259188 RE: flptrnkng #259133

It's beyond laughable this notion that "Jiffy Lube" et al would embark upon a separate business and a multi-million investment pain-in-the-butt, just to make a few barrels of sketchy "fuel". Can you imagine the "neighbours" supporting a potential bomb in the business park, run by some "Jiffy Lube" dude. Now try to envision one of these companies actually buying an un-patented, not to mention unproven "beast" from JBI, along with the SEC fraud charges, fines, and the multitude of other legal actions, mismanagement, revolving officer door, etc, facing JBI, notwithstanding.

Good heavens..


Used oil in one end reusable oil out the other.

Not if the used oil contains any moisture or anti-freeze.


02/18/14 2:14 PM

#259202 RE: flptrnkng #259133

If that was a recurrent issue they would install a water oil separator.