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02/16/14 5:16 PM

#218767 RE: pro_se #218765

pro_se -- does the Pope shit in the woods?


Father Maurice Lester
Ring-kissing Papist dog
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Vatican City...where we keep the good stuff!
08-29-2011, 02:14 AM

Re: Does the Pope shit in the woods?

This is one of those 'inside' jokes that made its way to the broader public and the story behind it is well known in Vatican City.

We have been blessed over the years to have had a number of fine works of art donated to The Church or done on special commissions designed to keep struggling artists from Florence St. Petersburg afloat.

With so much art we can't even display a tenth of it in our vast and wonderful museum, it was decided that the residence of His Holiness would routinely be redecorated with some of the considerable treasure in storage.

At one point, my predecessor at the museum did the main bath in the Papal apartment with works from Shishkin.

As you can guess, this led to a few comments about the Pope and nature!

The decor has since taken on a less pastoral motif based on Altdorfer.

Bless you, my doubtful inwit,

Father Mo
Vatican emissary to these Banjo and Britney Baptwits


Does the Pope shit in the woods?

Why yes, yes he does and by gosh does he make a day of it, sat there for HOURSSS wimpering at times... i guess he pushed just that little too hard.

An outhouse which medieval Popes often used is now usually occupied by a blond long-haired demon.

Awaiting a private audience with His Holiness.