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Ephemeral Rook

02/14/14 12:34 PM

#62228 RE: Trained Monkey #62202

the 3M series A PS, preceeded the need to quote the 10M Authorized PS. In such an event as what ocurred with SGT they are only required to report on the 3M, the remaining 7M are still classified as non-convertible securities and have certain exemptions. Only when that 10M number changes or when it is the sole entry under PS does it have to be noted. this is why it disappeared following the SGT acquisition and reappeared after the cancellation of the the 3M due to SGT unable to meet criteria. to learn more about this, a place to start is:

Order Exempting Non-Convertible Preferred Secu
rities from Rule 611(
a) of Regulation NMS
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934