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02/14/14 11:05 AM

#62166 RE: HeedTheChief #62154

For as much as our "saviors" are spamming the GrowLife boards, claiming to be impartial, they sure are doing a lousy job. The post history is evidence enough. They only come out to bash or place doubts. As soon as they fail, they run back to their roach holes.

Go try some other marijuana plays, you may have better luck there.
GrowLife longs know what they have here.

In response to WagonWheel about his discussion with friends and GrowLife brand.
I believe that it's entirely possible that what you are saying is true. But, if I may, allow me to share a personal experience when it comes to creating a brand name.

I worked with a gaming hardware company you may have heard of for nearly a decade. That company is Alienware. I started with them when there were only 20 or so employees and one little warehouse front. At the time they were known to the gaming community as 'over priced' and were FAR from being a brand name. I remember that no one knew who we were outside of the hardcore gamer community, which at the time was very small. I was very fortunate as such a young age to start with this company. I learned so much with them. Because we were a small company everyone wore every hat the company had to offer. Meaning that I worked in operations, manufacturing, marketing, engineering, ext. I helped where I was needed and I had the educational background to meet those needs. From very early on the core idea was to build a brand. We had the logo, the name, and the brains to do so. Over the years I participated and witnessed Alienware grow into the giant name in gaming that it is today and I was part of the Dell buyout when that occurred. Today Alienware is the number one gaming hardware brand sold across the world.

Which brings me to GrowLife. I see this company and it's like looking at a picture in the past. They have the logo, the name, and the brains. I have little doubt that this will be a strong brand name for this industry in the coming years. It could happen very fast, and like Alienware, prices will come down and its market will grow grow grow. One day GrowLife might get bought out, or maybe they will be too big to want to sell out. Either way, by that point, shareholders will enjoy the taste of ripe delicious fruit from what was once a sapling.
